How Money Flows Through Your Business

This sample product has been set up with all the common settings you’ll need when creating a new download.

What you need to update:

  1. The title above… obviously
  2. The permalink above, if necessary
  3. Enter the product description and other desired text content
  4. Under “Download Prices”, enter the relevant price
  5. Under “Download Files”, upload the product file (PDF download) and enter File Name
  6. Under “Download Image”select/upload the product image
  7. Wherever you’d like to display the purchase button, follow the instructions below:

Under Download Settings on the right, copy the complete line of code from the box under “Purchase Shortcode”.

Paste the copied shortcode wherever you’d like the button to be displayed, e.g

Button above a line of text or paragraph.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tellus libero, rhoncus eu metus sed, auctor cursus risus. Mauris urna nisi, pulvinar eget ante quis, imperdiet malesuada nibh.


Button below a line of text or paragraph.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tellus libero, rhoncus eu metus sed, auctor cursus risus. Mauris urna nisi, pulvinar eget ante quis, imperdiet malesuada nibh.


Button in-between lines of text or paragraphs.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tellus libero, rhoncus eu metus sed, auctor cursus risus. Mauris urna nisi, pulvinar eget ante quis, imperdiet malesuada nibh.

Duis tincidunt eleifend est mollis finibus. Nullam sollicitudin mi ut luctus dapibus. Quisque auctor venenatis sapien sed molestie. Mauris quis velit sem. Mauris sagittis massa id ante faucibus faucibus. Nullam vulputate sit amet lacus nec auctor.


Adding Your Product To The Main Navigation

  1. In the Admin Menu, navigate to Appearance -> Menus
  2. Under the Downloads tab, tick the box next to the relevant item
  3. Click on “Add to Menu”
  4. The New Item will appear at the very bottom of the menu
  5. Drag the new menu item into position under “High value business downloads”
  6. Click on “Save Menu”